
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

UK Covers

The Riyria Revelations is also being released by Orbit UK. They have their own cover designs that are a variation on the US ones, only a bit more up close and personal. And of course they also have to add all those extra Us, as in "favour," and change all the "gray"s to "grey." As  kid, I always wondered why Tolkien was such a bad speller.


  1. Definitely prefer the US editions. Riyria is *two* people, not one. And these don't even mention they're part of a series. A noob could easily mistake the title as the name of the series and the blurb as the title.

  2. I like the covers, and I'm all about the extra u.

  3. I actually like these covers better. (But the U.S. ones still are great.) I think these would make excellent posters!

  4. Great covers - 3 books on my MUST buy list...

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