
Monday, January 16, 2012

Release Day

For those of you who started the series early, those that read the first five, the wait for the final book is at last over. Today Percepliquis has been released.

As always seems to happen, shortly after the book becomes available someone, somewhere manages to read it. Well over 500 pages that took me eight months to draft, a reader consumed in a matter of hours. I can’t complain. When I originally published The Crown Conspiracy no one read it. And when I released Avempartha, it was six months before readers took notice.

Those that are buying ebooks, can download them now. Those that are getting the books in paper can order and have them in just a few days.

Those of you reading the Orbit editions and have just completed Rise of Empire, it looks as if Heir of Novron is available in your local store.

At long last the series is over, but until you get your chance to read the book, I suggest you stay away from the Internet as spoilers are popping up like weeds.


  1. Congratulations, Michael! It must be quite the feeling to see this book come out. I can't wait to read it.

  2. I also want to congratulate you on this accomplishment. I have placed this series on my must read list. I must confess, the thing that drew me towards your writing was reading the forward to your short, The Viscount and the Witch. Love the work, keep it up. As a struggling writer myself, it's good to see dreams still do come true if you try hard enough and believe in yourself. Keep it up Michael.

  3. Comgrats! I just bought the last book and am lookimg forward to reading it.


  4. I've never written to an author before, but man this series was just too damn good. The idea of forgiveness, repentance, and redemption really hit home with me on this one and I wanted to thank you, because guys like me who have done many regrettable things with the record to prove it, need to know that we still have chances to make up for all those mistakes and that despite our shortcomings, there are still people out there that care about us.

    I hope you have a long, voluminous career because eventually I'm going to get tired of rereading this series so many times :-)

    Thank you again and may Maribor and Novron both bless you and your loved ones ;-)

  5. Wheres the E book version? I went and had a look around and its not there?

  6. Oh I just figured it out Your screwing over all your previous fans outside the US and not making it available to them. Poorly done Mr Sullivan.

    1. Talicalicia,
      I think you should consider your statement before accusing Mr Sullivan of wanting to screw over his international fans. Just because this is the internet and you have the advantage of anonymity does not give you leave to behave in a manner different from how you would in person. Mr Sullivan has gone out of his way to ensure that the readers of the original series can buy Percepliquis as an independent book. Give him some benefit of the doubt before you jump him.

  7. Talicalicia,
    Can you think of any rational reason I would not want to sell my books to any reader any where?

    By contract, I don't control the ebook version of Percpeliquis, that is being sold by the publisher Hachette Book Group. However I am trying to find out why readers residing outside the US/Canada are not able to buy the ebook version.

    1. I look forward to hearing why. It'd be kind of harsh on your international fans. they cant buy any of the Ebooks in the series.

  8. dude that's harsh! seriously. every fan that isn't buying it right now, is money that he's not getting. it's in his best interest to make sure we have as many avenues as possible to get this.

    what format/reader are you trying to get it for by the way?

    I got mine on Kindle off Amazon and I've heard Itunes has it as well though I haven't confirmed that myself.

    I know it might be frowned upon (b/c of possible piracy), but worse case scenario, you could buy the Kindle version, and convert it to the format of your choice. I've had to it before when switching readers. No way I'm buying all those books over again just because I'm switching devices.

    Hope that helps. :-\

  9. Congratulations, Mr. Sullivan! I can't wait to read it!!!

  10. @Talicalicia you can download the amazon "kindle app" for free to any smart phone and read it there...problem is easily solved with a strong enough drive to do so...also Amazon delivers outside of the US...
    @ Michael I LOVED the ending to the series very inspiring, so often readers find themselves upset with endings to loved series, not this time! Thank you so much for a clean inspiring series! I put you on our Houston Public Library suggestion list hoping to get it in there and into the hands of my son as well he will love it! Congrats and Thanks Again!

    1. A n excellant solution if one had a smartphone (Dont want one either, I prefer to talk to my friends face to face and I dont feel the need to be connected every moment of the day to the internet). Which I dont, I just have a kindle. I'll just have to wait till they decide to open it to international readers or vaguely dodgy arrangements involving fake US addresses and VPNs. Its a stupid idea of Publishers to limit literature to the US and then complain about Piracy when they promote it and neccessitate it themselves.

  11. @Talicalicia: I'd shed a tear for you man, except the world doesn't revolve around you and your wants. Better luck next time.

    The world does revolve around Michael though. Today is his day in the sun...way to go Mr. Sullivan. I love what you provided to the world. I wish you much much success and lots of quality time with your family.


    PS half through A Burdon to the Earth right now. Not too bad right now, but I'll give you my final verdict when I'm finished.

  12. Thanks everyone for your support, but I can certainly see why Talicalicia is upset. I would be too.

    No one wants to deny readers the opportunity to buy their books. Orbit wants you to buy it too, but this is a strange new world and publishers like everyone else are still working out some kinks in the system.

    I'm still trying to nail down exactly what the issue is and what options are available. I will let you know as soon as I can.

    In the meantime, try and think happy thoughts.

  13. It's really unfortunate that the eBook is not available outside the US. Though it is really not Michael's fault as publishers are the ones imposing geographical restrictions. Hopefully, one day, such things would be a thing of the past. Fortunately your books are available in Malaysia, Michael! I spotted your books on the bookshelf of the awesome Kinokuniya KL (IMHO one of the best bookstores in THE WORLD) and was intrigued by the blurb that said you started as an indie writer. I love stories like yours. And may I say how much I'm enjoying your blog? It contains such valuable information and insight into the writer's life. As a budding novelist myself, I find your advice simply illuminating.

    Elizabeth @

  14. I finished Percepliquis a couple if days ago. I wanted to say thank you, but to add that there were times I was ready to scream at you too when I thought something was going to happen in the book. I need to find a forum with spoilers allowed so I can work though the roller coaster of what you packed in this book. Wow. An amazing saga that was as touching as the dedication you had at the front of it. Well done.

  15. Dear Michael,
    First, please give my thanks to your wife and daughter for convincing you to give publishing another try, not a bad call. Your books were the first I bought for my kindle, and it didn't take long before I finished them all. Since then I have been waiting like many other for the final book. Unfortunately I live in Denmark and until I read this blog I was puzzled by the fact that I couldn't buy your book Percepliquis for my kindle. I hope you find out the reason for this, so your fans overseas, who like I have bought them from your web-page, can also buy the last one in e-book format. If not, then I'll just have to buy the lot in the new format ;-).
    Enjoy the release and please, do continue to write, I'll be there buying your books.
    Kind Regards,

  16. Scott...You might want to checkout:

    It is a goodreads bookclub that is reading the whole series and this thread in particular is for people who have completed the whole thing and wish to talk about what went on in a spoiler environment.

  17. For those having problems with region restrictions. Please send me an email at and tell indicate what country you are in. I may have a temporary solution while Orbit and I work on a permanent one.

  18. Loved your books! Keep up the good work!

  19. Wonderful ending to a great series! Loved all the books! Perceplequis arrived in my Kindle the same day I lost a family member and helped me by making me bite my nails and laugh at the same time. You've written a heck of a story and I'm recommending it to all my friends.

  20. @Martin Haack - I live in Sweden and had no trouble at all buying the Kindle-version from I thought all non-UK residents were pointed to for Kindle-book purchases.

  21. For those who live outside the US as I do, there is an easy way to circumvent the maniacal plots of the publisher.
    Every Kindle has has a Manage Country setting. Simply create a US address for yourself and change to that address. And there you go. All the US only catalogues are now yours to plunder.
    I have just purchased your final book for what has been a truly memorable series.
    Rock on Michael. I'm looking forward to your next literary project.

    From a very happy Kiwi fan.

  22. Believe it or not I am still tying to get to the bottom of this foreign sales issue. It appears it might have to do with taxes of all things.

    The situation might also self correct on the 31st when Heir of Novron goes live in ebook. Even if you can't get Percepliquis, you will hopefully be able to order Heir. We shall see what happens.

    Let me know if Heir is unavailable to you after the 31st.


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