
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Blood of Thieves featured on and special pricing

Hey everyone, Robin here, once more taking over his blog because he's asleep and this is a time sensitive post. We are both in Michigan (our old stomping grounds) to attend Legendary Confusion. Michael was out at "Barcon" with his "Horn Brothers"  (don't ask but I'm sure you'll be seeing a bit about it on the Interwebs in the next few days.

Anyway...he recently announced Blood of Thieves was available and so far it's doing really well. (Current #33 top seller on the site).  I think part of that comes from it being one of their featured books.  I think they did a nice job with it.

In any case, they have a $11.99 sale that ends tonight at midnight.  That means you can get 2 great books for essentially $6 a piece in hardcover.  (Blood of Thieves contains two full-length novels: The Crown Tower and The Rose and the Thorn.  Michael and I will be heading back to Virginia soon, but out of contact for a bit, so if you are emailing him and haven't received a response, that is why.


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