
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The First Empire - it's done...for now.

Some may be aware that I've been working on a new series.  It's tentatively called The First Empire and early this week I completed the third book of the series. Well, completed probably isn't the right word as it's just a first draft, but it's still a milestone worth celebrating.  I'm in my re-write/edit of book #1 at present and the first five chapters are looking clean, with very few changes required.

What are the next steps?  Well in about a week Robin will get the first book and after she reads through it, there may be a number of changes needed to be made. Once she does that, then it is off to my publisher to see if they are interested in the series. If they are, then there will be additional edits from Devi and I'll also be getting some input from beta readers.  So we are still a ways from "done"

I do like to write all my books before releasing any and so I've written book #2 and book #3 of this series. That's all there was supposed to be, but somewhere along the line this turned into four books, and at this stage I just don't have the steam to go on to book #4 at this time. I need some time away from this series and I have a few different ways that Book #3 could go depending on feedback from others, so I'm going to be stepping back from it for a while. I need to write something new and recharge my batteries. I may even take a well deserved I write every day including Christmas.

I'm sure I'll be saying more about this series over the next few weeks, but for now it's good to know that another three books are "on the books."  This makes books 24, 25, and 26.  That's a lot of writing and I hope that with each one I get just a little bit better and a little bit closer to "being a real boy" ah... author.


  1. Great news. Looking forward to the new books. Are these set in the same universe as the Rtria Revelations?

    BTW, one typo. "....but for now it's good to know that another there books are..." should be "....but for now it's good to know that another three books are..."

    1. BTW one typo "Are these set in the same universe as the Rtria Revelations?" should be " Are these set in the same universe as the Riyria Revelations?"

    2. Unbunch your panties Gordon.

      I was not taking a shot at Michael, I just thought he would want to correct it.

    3. Mr. Kaufman,
      Panties unbunched (though it took some work). It sounds like you may want to do the same.

    4. Actually it's hilarious irony that you corrected the author and in the same post did a typo face plant yourself. Especially, in screwing up the name of the author's books! Priceless!

    5. It's actually worse because:

      a) I know what the books are called.
      b) The proper spelling is in an ad just to the right of my post.

      Oh well.

      Again, I was just trying to help. I would never take a shot at Michael.

  2. any chance I could be ur beta reader? Can provide useful tips on story flow, context switching issues from reader's pov and character realization. Loved your ryria chronicles

    1. Yeah, let me give you the skinny on beta reading. I have a group on goodreads called The Dark Room. When I'm ready for beta readers I'll go there and post. There will be more asking then I can support, so I'll have to slim down the list - Robin will help me with that. If you aren't already a member of the group, send me an email and I'll get you invite.

  3. You are a real author silly boy. Looking forward to seeing more books by you as you are on a getting smaller list of favorite authors as my standards are getting higher as I get older/greyer. I picked up one of your books in print while I was at Boskone this past February. We don't allow many new paper books in the house as we have no place to put them... They overflow 6 rooms plus hallways and some still haven't been unboxed from the last move some 8+ years ago.

    1. Well thank you - both for the ego boost and for putting me on the list and getting the print copy. I'm really into ebooks these days - Too many books to move when the time comes - and I'm too old to lift all the weight. The kids hate it when they get to the set of boxes marked "books".

    2. I'm into ebooks myself. Hubby prefers hard copy. He is slowly adjusting to ebooks but it's slow going getting him there & Shabbat/holidays it *has* to be paper.

  4. I cannot wait for these. I have several friends that have come back to me recently regarding my recommendation of Hollow World, and they all beam with excitement. At least three friends have already started Riyria after first being recommended Hollow World. Keep up the great work.

    1. Hey that is great to hear. Hollow World's reception has been amazing - and it's glad to see it is getting people into Riyria instead of always the other way around.

  5. Congrats, Michael. If it wasn't raining like mad here today I'd head over to the pub this evening and buy you a celebratory beer. Maybe next week. :-)

    1. I've had a few weeks away from the pub - including that very rainy day. But I'll be back to my regular schedule soon.

  6. Congratulations! I can't wait till this new series is released and I can jump into it. Trust me, you are a real author already, the journey you took me on with Royce and Hadrian was amazing. Take some time off, you deserve it. (After you come back though, write another Royce and Hadrian novel please ;).)

    1. There will indeed be at least one more Royce and Hadrian novel...then I'll take the temperature again. It appears that "the boys" haven't overstayed their welcome yet.

    2. This makes me very happy to hear there's more Royce and Hadrian coming. I got into the Riyria Chronicles about 2 months ago through an Audible deal, and that is all that I have listened to since!

      I quickly went through Crown Tower and Rose and the Thorn, and I am currently on Book 2 (Nyphron Rising, specifically) of the Revelations series. I've never gotten into a series like this where I look for excuses to listen to it, such as mowing my lawn!

      Michael, you've quickly become my favorite author through this series, and I can't wait to get into your other series as well. Thank you!

  7. Congratulations!

    I just started a re-read of Riyria since it's been a while, and stopped by here to see if there was anything new. Then a hop over to Amazon to grab Hollow World and put the Chronicles on my wishlist, and now I have this to look forward to as well. Stopping over turned out to be quite profitable, although dangerous to my wallet. :)

    Thank you for the stories.

  8. Amazing Michael. Congrats on getting throught he first book. And here's to another amazing series for you. :)

  9. I'm so glad you are in a feel-good place about the new series. Happy authors make happy readers! :) As always, thanks for the hard work you do writing for us every day.

  10. So stoked to read this. Who does your artwork? That picture is stunning. I want it as my wallpaper!

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