
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Age of Myth: Release Day + 2

Well, it's two days past the release of Age of Myth and things have really gone well so far.  Fingers crossed for continued success.

Really pleased to see the book caught the attention of some of the biggest industry sites. For instance:

Along with these nice pieces to help spread the word came some pretty incredible quotes:

"A young man grapples with his destiny as a God Killer in this spellbinding tale of power and rebellion, the first in a new epic fantasy series." -- Goodreads 21 Hottest Summer Reads

"Sullivan brings his masterful world-building and agile imagination to bear on a host of interesting characters and a story that feels new and vibrant." -- B& Sci-fi & Fantasy Blog

Initial sales have been strong. So strong, in fact that I moved up substantially on Amazon's Most Popular Fantasy Author List. I usually hang out around 50 - 100. And I was in the 8 - 10 range post release.

Things have been so busy that I forgot to mention some other things that were going on.  So here they are.

Also, Robin tried to arrange a Book Launch Party for Age of Myth at our old stand-by One More Page Books. Unfortunately we couldn't get the timing to work out.  When we were available the books weren't, and now that the books ready we're booked.  Oh well, we'll see what we can do maybe later on in the year.  That said, for people who pre-ordered the books, Robin got all the single orders packaged and sent out. Today she'll be finishing up the packages for those that ordered 2 - 3 books. Originally, the plan was to use a fulfillment center to process these orders, but the volume level wasn't high enough for them to take the project on. So once again Robin has the house torn apart with bubble wrap, boxes, and packing tape. It's not like we are complaining, buying books direct is the best way to provide the most amount of money into the author's pockets, so we are grateful for those people who do buy direct.

Up Next:  What's up Next (now that Age of Myth is released).


  1. It is a book well deserving of the praise. But the sneak preview for the next book will be torturing me for the next year...

  2. Congratulations, Michael, on ALL fronts! I'm thrilled that "Age of Myth" is being recognized in such notable ways!!

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