
Friday, February 23, 2018

Age of War Audio Recording Begins!

On Sunday, Robin and I returned from a little vacation in the Caribbean (St. John was hit last year by two massive hurricanes - one direct hit from a Cat 5 and a glancing blow from a Cat 4 but it's "back" and we couldn't wait to go visit it again).

While we were there, we were busily reviewing the printer proofs for Age of War (more on that soon). In addition, we had the recording of Age of War (yes, Tim Gerard Reynolds will once again be doing the narration) line up.  Recording was supposed to start on Monday, but it was delayed a few days due some family emergency issues with Tim...thankfully everything turned out better than originally expected.

We made it through the first 13.6% so we're off to to a good start.  Recording continues in just a few minutes, and it's great to be sitting in on the process. Normally, we would go to New York and be in studio, but with the travel to St. John we didn't book back-to-back travel.  We'll let you know how it's going, and in the meantime, if you haven't pre-ordered your copy of Age of War please consider doing so.


  1. I have pre-ordered the Kindle version but am waiting for the signed version from you before I order the hardcover.

  2. Do we have update on orbits release of the riyria chronicles in hardcover? Can’t wait to get the comeplete set.

  3. @John - that's great, thanks for that. Have you signed up for pre-order notification? Here is a link for doing that:

    @Unknown - Robin has been in contact with Orbit, and I do believe they have worked something out. Here is a form you can sign up for early notification:


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