
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Fatemarked Kickstarter

I belong to a small group of indie authors, and we get together at my house here in Luray for little mini-conventions in the summer.  They are a talented group, and I'm thrilled with seeing so many indies doing really well. One thing I've been trying to do is help in taking them to "the next level" which basically means utilizing Kickstarter, doing print runs (rather than print-on-demand books), and selling directly to readers.

As some have heard (via our Kickstarter updates), Robin is having to scale back because of decreased cognitive ability. The good news is our son James is stepping in to fill those really large shoes by making a new company called JMS Book Logistics. James will run my Kickstarter campaigns going forward, but he'll also be available to help out indie-authors who want to do Kickstarters but don't have the time to do so.

Well, James launched his first project a few days ago and it's for David Estes' Fatemarked. one of the authors from the group I spoke about. Now, I've not read books by all the authors in my little group, but I did read this one, and it's very good.  Those who know what a tough critic I am, realize that's really saying something.  I don't recommend books often, but I feel confident doing so for this one.  

Here's a bit about the book.


An ancient prophecy foretold their coming, the chosen few who will bring peace to a land embroiled in a century of mistrust and war. When kings start dying, that hope and belief swiftly turn to fear. Roan Loren is one of the fatemarked, but he has hidden his mark of power his entire life, fearing the damage it might cause to those around him. A great evil is coming, and he can't hide anymore.

If funded, the Kickstarter will produce:

  • Limited edition faux-leather hardcovers $65
  • Regular hardcovers with dust jackets $25
  • Trade paperbacks $15
Fatemarked is the first in a completed 5-book series:

David has sold more than 346,000 copies across the series (120,000 of which were for book one). The ebook has been a #1 top-seller in 10 categories including Epic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Military Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, New Adult & College Fantasy, Coming of Age, Myths and Legends, Arthurian Fantasy, Medieval Fiction, and Historical Fiction. That's doing a lot better than any of my books did!

So, if you are interested in a really good classic fantasy tale, I hope you'll stop over to the Kickstarter and grab a copy.  All books are signed, and just like with my Kickstarters, you can have your name printed in the book (or a loved one's name).   Here's the link.

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