
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Of course I know...

Man, how I love Goodreads. Earlier today I was there and noticed someone (a complete stranger to me) liked my review of  To Kill a Mockingbird. I noticed she was also an author so I sent her a few resources that help fellow authors getting familiar with the site.  (They are re-posted here for those that are interested):

 Anyway, this person thanked me for the links and mentioned, "Of course I know about our books." As if they were common knowledge or something of that nature.  I can't begin to explain the warm feeling that hearing this brought. It's so hard for an author to know if their books are gaining any mind share, until a comment like this from a total stranger comes along. Don't get me wrong, writing the books is its own reward, but sharing them with others takes a great experience and elevates it to a whole new level.

It's great to live in a day an age when such interaction between authors and readers is possible. I'm often applauded by readers for being so "interactive" on sites like Goodreads and reddit, but the truth is I enjoy the interactions just as much (if not more so) than the readers.

Anyway, just wanted to provide the links in case it helped others, and to let people know that feedback (both good and bad) is always welcomed, whether it be in the form of an email, a  private message on one of the forums, or even a review on Amazon, Audible, and Goodreads. Thanks to all those who have taken the time to post or write - it really "makes my day."


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