Each year around this time Audible.com takes a look at their titles and highlights those with a significant number of 5-star ratings. I'm pleased to announce that once again I have a title (The Crown Tower) that has made two of these lists:
- The Best of Everything - which, not surprisingly covers all categories of books
- Sci-fi & Fantasy - which, surprisingly, I got the #1 spot
In 2011, Theft of Swords made the same two lists - which really bowled me over. Lists like this, as well as the Goodreads Choice Award (where The Crown Tower was also picked), are especially gratifying because they are selected based on a bunch of readers raising their hands as saying, I really like this book.
So I just wanted to say thank you to all the people who read, listen, and provide a good rating or review of the musing I write. Also, since this is an audio accolade, I have to once again provide a tip of my hat to the exceptional work of Tim Gerard Reynolds who did the narration.
Yesterday, I just finalized a deal with Audible.com to release a free edition of The Jester. For those that don't know, this was a Royce and Hadrian short story that I created for the Unfettered Anthology to help pay off the extensive medical bills that Shawn Speakman incurred when he was fighting his second bout with cancer. The audio rights for the full anthology were bought by Audible and they, wisely, tapped Tim to do that recording...so look for that soon. But for those that want a taste of the magic that Tim has given to my works, you can listen to him perform my other short story, The Viscount and the Witch. Even if you have read the short as a standalone, or as the second chapter of The Rose and the Thorn, you'll sure to enjoy this version. Oh, and feel free to skip past the first 4 1/2 minutes as that is just ramblings from me ;-)