Thanks to the folks at reddit's /r/fantasy sub I found out that Theft of Swords is on sale for $2.99. I did a bit of digging and it looks like that price is good for all the US ebook retail sites (I didn't check overseas). Here are some links to help you get to your favorite:
Barnes and Noble
Google Play
It's a well-loved book (based on ratings/reviews) on sites such as Amazon (738), Goodreads (33,772), Audible (13,552). It has just shy of 24,000 5-star and 17,000 4-star so I think that bodes pretty well for it.
A long time ago someone asked me to "pitch them" on why they should read Riyria...and my response was:
- I really don't want to try to sell you - check out the book for yourself and if looks interesting read the free sample. If that looks good, then pick up a copy of the book. I think that advice still holds true.
- But if I "were" going to pitch it - I'd throw together a "Top 10" reason to buy Riyria and so I did. Here goes.
- A traditional fantasy that’s not a Tolkien clone, but also isn’t morbid to the point of having to down a pair of Prozac to get through.
- All six books were written before the first was ever published, enabling the weaving of threads and planting of clues about ongoing mysteries, allowing readers the added pleasure of trying to unravel the plot twists.
- Unforgettable characters that provide scenes both heartwarming and heart-wrenching that will make you cry in the end—not because they die a horrible deaths (although some do), but because you don’t want to leave them.
- A story that is gritty to the point of killing off half the cast, and yet always leaves the reader feeling people are basically good and heroes can and do exist.
- A finished series with a designed arc that ties up all loose ends and as such provides a truly satisfying conclusion.
- Written for adults, but without gruesome violence, sex, or profanity so that it can be read by people of all ages and shared with the whole family.
- Lacking the overly grim portrayal of some fantasy worlds, it is infused with humor including witty banter and laugh-out-loud moments even during dire and serious moments.
- Designed such that each book is better than the one that came before, so if you like the first, you won’t be disappointed with the last.
- Written to be an “easy read” it lacks the intimidating wall-of-world-building-information, utilizes modern dialog rather than archaic speech, and is paced like a thriller to keep the pages turning.
- Written with an emphasis on character and plot it packs an emotional punch focusing on reading entertainment rather than intellectual allegory.
So, there you have it - and today I'd add an #11 which is It's under $3 so what do you really risk by giving it a try. Certainly cheaper than a Mocha at your favorite coffee shop.
Thank you very much for the information you provide on this day, we will always be waiting for more information.
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I loooooove your books. They are my favorite! I was so sad when the Riyria Revelations series ended. Thank you for doing those Riyria chronicles stories. Those two are my favorite pair! I am curious to know more about what happens after Heir of Novron too.
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