Saturday, September 7, 2024

DragonSteel Nexus 2024


So, last year Robin planned for us to exhibit at Brandon Sanderson's DraongSteel Convention in Salt Lake City. A last minute cold (that could have been Covid) meant that I had to stay home to prevent getting others on the plane sick.

But Robin and my daughter soldiered on and they went there without me. They explained what a great experience it was and how we should sign up again next year.  Well, between Robin's surgery and a bunch of travel (that had been booked more than a year ago (family trip to Bar Harbor and Robin and I going to Scotland for Worldcon), she forget and by the time she went to sign up, the exhibitor spots were all taken.

But, our good friend Shawn Speakman (from Grim Oak Press) had a booth and we politely asked if we could "split it" and he graciously agreed. So . . . we'll be in Salt Lake City from December 4 - 7.  I suspect most of our time will be hanging out int the exhibit hall, so please stop on by and say hello if you are one of the lucky 7,500 people who got tickets to this event before it sold out (I think I heard something like 5 minutes)

But for those who don't have tickets that happen to be in or around Salt Lake City, we can also arrange for a meetup for signing books, or grabbing a drink, or a bite to eat. If you are interested, email with the subject  SEE YOU IN SALT LAKE CITY, an we'll setup a day time that works.

Oh, and related to this. Grim Oak Press is making a hardcover book with short stories from various authors who will be at the convention. It'll make a great "keepsake" and you can go around and get the books signed.  Here's what it looks like:

My friend J.A. Andrews will have a short story in this book, and so will the great Robin Hobbs! I hope to see Robin again, we once shared a dinner with her in the palace of Napoleon's sister. Yes, I kid you not! If you won't be at the convention you can get a copy of this from here.  I didn't have time to write a new short story so I gave Shawn my short called "Traditions" - it's based in Elan but in a time long, long ago. It's the only version of that story in a printed hardcover - so if you like collecting my stuff - that's a great place to do so.

Hope to see in Salt Lake City.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Drumindor recording begins today!

It's been six years since a Royce and Hadrian adventure - SIX YEARS! But the boys are back (almost), as we are reaching the final milestones because recording starts today, and of course it's being narrated by the amazing Tim Gerard Reynolds. You can pre-order it now,  and it'll show up on October 21st. 

What about the ebook, you might ask? Well those who backed the Kickstarter were promised early access so they'll receive it at least a month before it's available through the retail chains (so September 21st or sooner).

Generally speaking, we use the audio recording as part of our proofing process, and sometimes we'll change a word here or there if Tim drops a word, adds a word, or switches two words around if we think the sentence read more naturally than the original.

And what about the hardcover (regular and deluxe)? Well, first things first. We must get the book "locked" which means Tim has to finish the recording (that's scheduled for September 16th), then it'll be laid out (page count determined), which will affect the spine (so that will be adjusted), and then it's off to the printer.  Once they have official files in hand we'll know the press lead time and be able to give you a better idea about when that will be available.  But it probably won't be any sooner than three months from when they get the files.

So, the long wait is just about over, my friends. I can't wait to hear what Tim will do with this new tale.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Nolyn and Esrahaddon Deluxe editions are back in print!

I must admit, I'm a sucker for these beautiful limited editions that Robin has been producing for me over the last few years, and it looks like a lot of you all have enjoyed them as well.  For about the last six months we've had to disappoint people who were looking for Nolyn deluxe editions (or the full set of the deluxe Rise and Fall series) because we sold through both the Nolyn and the Esrahaddon copies.

Well, Robin did a reprint - and we now have a very limited number of copies back in stock (300 for Esrahaddon and 500 for Nolyn).  And since these will be numbered copies you'll be guaranteed a "low number" when ordering.

We changed printers for Nolyn - and have much better quality this time around.  Some of the features of these editions include:

  • Signed and numbered
  • Faux leather covers with foil stamping
  • Hubbed spines
  • Smyth-sewn binding
  • Ribbon bookmarks
  • Optional slipcase
The covers are the books can be seen here:

Don't they look great? That's the artwork of my amazing daughter, Sarah.

So, if you are missing just a single copy or would like to get a full set, you can do so from a special sale page for the series.  You can find it here.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


“They have to be dead. No one has heard a thing in…how long? How long has the committee been in there?”

“Date in my notebooks says February 23rd, 2022.”

“That can’t be right. That’s a year and half. Check again.”

“That’s what it says or do you now want to argue with ink?”

    “What are they eating in there?”

    “Each other?”

“You say that like it’s a joke.”

“Imagine the smell.”

“This isn’t healthy. Seriously, they could have died. Are we just gonna stand out here? For how long?”

“Are you saying you want to touch that knob and open the door?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“What are you saying?”

“Someone could knock.”

“Knock, huh? Who?”

“You’ve got knuckles.”

“I’d like to keep them.”

“What are we all afraid of? It’s not Darth Vader’s office.”

“No, it’s Rex Uberlin’s. Inventor of evil.”

“Uberlin is a good guy. He’s trying to save the world.”

“Is he?”

“What do you know? Have you heard something? Can you hear them talking in there?”

“That would be really creepy.”


“You realize it’s just him, right? The Committee is just one guy? If I heard multiple voices coming out of there…that would be creepy.”

“Are you shivering?”

“Air conditioning. I forgot my sweater. Always have to wear one in July. It’s crazy.”

“Sure. Crazy.”

“So you gonna do it?”


“Yeah. Was your idea. You should stand behind your beliefs. That’s what leaders do, they lead. Nothing worth having comes easy.”

“Are you just quoting inspirational posters?”

“Hang in there kitty.”

“If something bad happens will you at least back me up?”

“You mean besides reciting inspirational quotes?”

“You’re pathetic.”

“We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are—Max Depree.”


“Did you just say sigh?”

“Extreme sigh. Look, at least promise me you’ll inform others what happened. Tell my story so I can be remembered. That will be enough.”

“Youth is not enough. And love is not enough. And success is not enough. And, if we could achieve it, enough would not be enough—Mignon McLaughlin.”

“You’re getting irritating now.”


“Here goes.”

Knock. Knock.

“Wow, you did it twice. Ballsy.”

“Are you backing away?”

“He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day.”

“You’re not fighting, you’re just running. OMG something is being slipped under the door!”

“O-M-G? How old are you?”

“Shut up.”

“What’s it say?”


“Is that what it says or what it is?”

“It says: That which was new, grew old.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I don’t know. But I think it’s a good sign.”


“There’s also twenty bucks and an order for a pepperoni pizza. They’re not dead. And they’re hungry.”

Friday, March 1, 2024

Drumindor's Kickstarter a big success!


The Drumindor Kickstarter is over, and Robin and I would like to thank all the amazing support you gave it. If you missed the Kickstarter, no worries. You can purchase the books from the pre-order store.

Some highlights of this project

  • Fully funded in under 16 minutes
  • Reached $100,000 in the first 12 hours
  • Became the #1 highest-funded live fiction project at the 3 hour mark, and it remained at the top spot for it's entire 2-week run.
  • One of only 61 projects to reach six-figures
  • Currently the 20th most-backed fiction Kickstarter of all time

And don't forget the Kickstarter for regular and deluxe editions of Books #1 - #4 will be launching on March 12th at 12:00 noon (EST). You can sign up to be notified from the pre-launch page (which will turn into the main product page when the Kickstarter begins). 

One last thing. During the run of these two Kickstarters we are selling hardcover and ebooks of my back list at substantial savings (up to 50% off).  Shop the sale from this link.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Ask Me Anything - today on reddit's /r/fantasy site.

Reddit can be a toxic environment, but the /r/fantasy site has always been a bastion of civility. With more than 3.6 million members, it's the biggest site I know about for people who love the fantasy genre.  Today I'll be holding a AMA (Ask Me Anything), whih will be my 8th in 12 years! So if you have questions, I'll try to provide answers. But if you are writing about any spoilers, please use the appropriate tags to hide them from people who haven't read the books.  Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Save 10% - 50% on my ebooks and hardcovers through May 31


During my two Kickstarters (Drumindor which is running now), and the Riyria Chronicle Hardcovers (running from March 12 - April 4th - no link yet), I'm also running a sale on my other books. Here are some examples of the savings:

  • 50% of ebooks ($5 rather than $10)
  • 50% off mildly hurt hardcovers ($14.50 - $16.50 rather than $28 - $33)
  • 25% off Legends of the First Empire Hardcover Boxset ($156 rather than $208)
  • 20% off Legends of the First Empire Hardcover Book Set ($134.40 rather than $168)
  • 21+% off Rise and Fall Hardcover Boxset ($99 rather than $126)
  • 15% off Rise and Fall Hardcover Book set ($7.35 rather than $91)
  • 10% off Del Rey Legends Hardcovers: #1 & #3 ($25 rather than $28)
  • 18% off Other Legends Hardcovers: #2, #4, #5, #6 ($23 rather than $28)
  • $5 off Rise and Fall Hardcovers (15%-17%): ($23- $28 rather than $28 - $33)
  • $10 off Rise and Fall Deluxe Editions (~13%): ($65 - $70 rather than $75 - $80)
We have already sold out of the Riyria Revelation slipcases and the Riyria Revelation Hardcovers are going fast - so don't wait too long to order!