Friday, November 14, 2014

Traditional & Self-Publishing Via Rocking Self-publishing Podcast

It's been an exciting time to be a many many opportunities. If you're on this blog, then you are probably familiar with the fact that I discuss my experience and the changes in publishing on any number of sites including:
I don't mind doing fact, I enjoy helping fellow authors in any way I can, but it does take time. Time I sometimes have problems making room for.  Over the summer, I was taking a bit of a break from writing. My concentration was on training for the Ride to Conquer Cancer and recharging my batteries after writing the first three books of the The First Empire Series.  

I also had some events that I was scheduled to speak at (such as the 2014 Writer's Digest Annual Conference). So I set my date to start writing book #4 after that and planned on doing so in a  "heads down" mode where I cut back on just about everything else.  Unbeknownst to me, my wife was in the process of setting up a podcast interview with RSP (Rocking Self-Publishing) to be squeezed in right before I started...then I moved up the date.  

Robin came to me with a fair amount of nervousness. She had a few problems.  
  1. I was burned out on educational activities and wanted to pour myself into my creative stuff. 
  2. The podcast host is "across the pond" so it would have to be in the AM - my writing time.
  3. I had "just" started the book - a critical time for me
  4. She knew I wanted to focus on book #4 and even a brief podcast would be a disruption.
Long story short, I didn't bite her head off and the interview went ahead. I must say, it was one of the best run interviews I've seen. The host was (a) knowledgeable (b) did his research (c) really knows the state of the industry.  Since that interview, I've listened to a number of the other ones on his site and I'm continually impressed.

Which brings us to today...or more accurately yesterday, as the interview went live.  While cooking dinner my wife was listening to it and mentioned that, "You sound like you knew what you were doing."  High praise from her...let me tell you. Hearing it, reminded me exactly what we had covered and I do think it turned out to be pretty informative. So I'm posting today to draw some people's attention to it and Simon. Listen to my interview here, and check out the back episodes as well.  Lots of great information coming out of this podcast.  Enjoy!


  1. Michael, first, thanks for coming on the show, it was great to talk to interview you. I'm also delighted to hear that you have listened to, and are enjoying some of the other episodes, it's high praise.


    Simon W (of RSP)

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  2. Michael, GREAT interview with Simon, thanks for taking the time out of your writing schedule. I loved hearing about your journey. I think my favorite part was where you said that publishers don't sell books, authors do—a lot of authors seem to acquire a misconception there and end up playing the blame game with traditional publishing for the rest of their careers, which makes them bitter and full of resentment when they talk about it publicly. So it's nice to find someone who takes a practical view of things. Good luck with book #4!

  3. very interesting and informative interview. if i heard correctly around the 9 minute mark you state that there will be more Riyra Chronicle books forthcoming?

  4. This was a great interview. Very informative and insightful for me, as a future indie SFF novelist. Thanks to both of you for putting this out there.

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