The winner for the last Farilane giveaway has been notified (and they responded), so it's time to do another one! For those that are curious, here's some data on the guesses:
- 578 entries
- Winner: Bryan W. from Maryland with a guess of 12,197
- The actual number was 12,200 so Bryan was off by just 4
- The next closest guess was just 28 away
For this next contest the prizes will be the same as the last one.
- An audiobook of Farilane from
- A custom Farilane 2-sided puzzle. The front has a design from the famed artist, Marc Simonetti, and the back has a solid blue color with a silver foil stamp with artwork from our daughter Sarah - this is the art that graces the front of the limited edition version of Farilane.

Just like before, if you already have the audiobook of Farilane, no worries, you can give it to a friend and introduce them to the amazing narration of Tim Gerard Reynolds. And if you aren't an audiobook member, you can still win the audiobook - in other words, no membership is required.
Robin and I have been thrilled with the reception of Farilane so far, and we want to thank those who have already read the book and posted ratings and reviews. Here's some data on that:
- 3,062 ratings posted on sites like Amazon, Audible, and Goodreads
- The vast majority have been 5-star reviews: 82.8%
- Only 1.3% have been 1 or 2-star reviews

It's this type of third-party validation that encourages others to try the book. For this next contest, we'll (a) reward people who have already read the book, (b) find some reviews that we maybe haven't seen before, and (c) hope to get some new reviews out and about in the world.
So, here's how it'll work. We want you to tell others about Farilane by posting a few words on sites such as Amazon, Audible, Goodreads, Twitter, and Facebook. It doesn't have to be a glowing review, and it doesn't even have to be long. Just a few sentences saying what you liked (or didn't like) is the only requirement. If you want to increase your chance of winning, copy/paste your comments to multiple sites - each site will have an additional entry in the drawing.
On July 31st at midnight EST, we'll close the contest and pick the winner through a random number generator, so yeah, even someone who didn't love the book can still win - you might even change your mind after hearing Tim's amazing narration!
To enter, go to this link, copy/paste links to posts you have made about Farilane, and that's it! We'll notify the winner on August 1st, and give them a few days to respond. If they don't "show up" by then, we'll pick another random winner.
Good luck, and thanks for reading Farilane!