After the Fall Series

 As was recently announced there will be another series based in the world of Elan. No, this isn't the Cycle - that's talked about elsewhere. This is a project that I've been working on along with a co-writer for the past several years. Until the first book was 100% complete and to my satisfaction, I wasn't going to announce this book, but now I can.  Oh, and you can add it to your goodreads shelves with this link.

As the name implies this will occur after the evenets of the Rise and the Fall and you can expect to see friends (and not enemies) such as: Jerish, Nevrik, Esrahaddon, Mawyndule, Elinya, and, of course, there will be others as well. 

At present this is slated to be a three-book series, and the first book is essentially completed. Why have you not heard of this before? Well, this is my first joint-writing project. As you know, I'm VERY protective of my tales, and while I have the highest degree of confidence in my partner for this, I wasn't going to announce it until it was completed and I was satisfied with the results. That happened yesterday when I read the final climax, and I can now say with confidence this book will be released. 

As for when, we don't yet know. There are many ducks to put in a row including when can we get on Tim Gerard Reynold's schedule for recording and we hope to have Marc Simonetti do the cover.  There is also some minor edits that I have to work on with the other author, and then Robin has to do her alpha read. 

We'll be updating this page as time goes on, so check back if you are interested to know about it's progress.


  • 03/10/25 - Famed artist Marc Simonetti has been commissioned for a cover design
  • 03/06/25 - The book now has a title and a placeholder cover.
  • 02/20/24- The book is essentially done. It has a few changes, but I approve of it.
  • 10/28/24 - Chapter 7 - 9 finished
  • 02/26/24 - Chapter 5 - 6 finished
  • 09/23/23 - Chapter 4 finished
  • 09/19/23 - Chapter 3 finished
  • 08/23/23 - Chapter 2 finished
  • 04/27/23 - Chapter 1 finished
  • 01/21/23 - 1st chapter writing starts - and is rewitten, and rewitten, and rewitten
  • 12/28/22 - First outline submitted and reworked several times
  • 11/23/22 - Outlining begins
  • 11/4/22 - Brainstorming session between Michael and co-author about possible plot threads (both new and old) for the series
  • 10/25/22 - Authors of Novel House visit the cabin - "co-author" receive mac computer loaded with Scrivner, Elan bible, and instructions to being on After the Fall
  • 2/08/20 - "co-author" joins "The Novel House" - a small group of authors that I mentor on writing. She's working on her own contemporary fiction tale.
  • 02/07/20 - Email from future "co-author" sent to me. Attached is a fan fiction, upon reviewing, I was very impressed. They are an avid reader who consumes everything Elan based.

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