Riyria Hardcover Preorders Updates

Greetings, if you have landed on this webpage, it is because you have been invited to our invitation only  Riyria Hardcover pre-order.  Please watch this page, for updates as we go through the production phase of the books. Among other things, we will tell you when the books have gone to print, when they are being shipped to us, and when we will start shipping them to you.

When we ship the books, you will receive an email from "Backer Kit" with your tracking numbers.

NOTE: Currently, we support only the following countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and Singapore. If you live in a country other than those - send an email to jms.book.logistics@gmail.com with the desired country, and he'll calculate the postage costs and add the country for you. 


  • 07/05/22 - Yes, all the books bought through the pre-order are signed. I'll update the descriptions to indicate this. 

  • 07/05/22 -We are getting reports that the store isn't working except for US orders - we are looking into it and will get that fixed asap. Do not worry - if you can't get your order in now, you will be able to before the deadline is over.

  • 07/05/22 -The problem with non-US orders has been addressed. 

  • 08/17/22 - It took much longer than I would have expected, but we now have sent invitations to everyone who has expressed an interest in the notification about the hardcovers. We are now going to start invitations to the "tier 2 group," which includes people who have bought books directly from us and those who have written fan letters to Michael.

  • 08/31/22 - The deadline is now over for taking orders. Thanks, everyone, for the generous support of this project.  We are now moving on to design work.  We'll keep you posted.

  • 09/13/22 - We've made an executive decision to change the size of the books to match our "corporate size" going forward - in other words, 6" x 9" - to match the Legends of the First Empire instead of the 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" that we have used for Death of Dulgath and Winter's Daughter. It was a hard decision, as there are a few hundred people with the smaller size of books #3 and #4 of that series, but we'll work out something for them (probably a small print run so that their first two Chronicle books can match the others - still something we are "noodling on". In any case, this means a bunch of design rework of the books. The hope is to have printer-ready files by the end of this month.
  • 10/31/22 - I've lost about 4 weeks because of the following: (1) Farilane books arrived, and I had to help ship about 2,500 packages for them.  (2) An author I've been helping with Kickstarters had a huge printer problem, requiring me to go through by hand about 1,500 books by checking for errors (3) construction on the warehouse is "mostly" done but is still requiring me to be on-site there and go over tick lists (4) we are "onboarding" with Ingram for bookstore distribution, and this is much more time consuming than I would have thought.   I probably have another 5 - 6 days of "clean-up work," and then I'll get back on the layout stuff that I discussed in my last update.  As soon as we get those changes made, we need to get proofs created.

  • 12/31/22 - Finally, a major milestone has been accomplished. The layout of the books is complete. This was delayed because shipping three Kickstarters back-to-back caused major damage to both of my shoulders. I thought I had torn rotator cuffs, but it turned out to be adhesive capsulitis in one shoulder (which caused almost a total loss of movement)  and severe rotator cuff tendonitis in the other. I'm still not fully functional, but cortisone shots and physical therapy are getting me back on my feet. Files are on their way to the printer for sample books to be made. Once we sign off on them, then we'll be in the printer queue.

  • 03/27/23 - More delays - but we are getting really close now.  My apologies that this project is taking so long.  Part of the problem is there are other projects (like Esarahaddon) which has a hard deadline (the recording schedule was set in stone more than two years ago and starts tomorrow, and so I've had to devote time to that. The other complication is that this project has the most complicated cover design that we've ever had - and the first attempt (back in January) had issues. Usually, we have just one foil stamp, but for this project, we are using special materials that change colors with debossing, AND we are using multiple colors on the cover, so it's taken us a while to figure out the technical issues.  But the good news is the printer has all the files, and they are once more working on proofs.  We have been in communication daily, and while there have still been some issues, I think they are all worked out now.  The one last piece is resizing the dust jacket for the regular hardcovers.  I talked to the designer today, who is adjusting the design for the correct spine now that the page count and paper have been selected. I'm hoping to get those files to the printer in the next two days, but they have plenty to do with the limited edition work while waiting on that.

  • 04/06/23 - The design team that did the dust jackets have finished with their "resizing" for the final spine width, and those have been sent to the printer.  Waiting on them was holding anything up - it's the dies that take the most amount of time.  So we are just waiting for the proofs.  Here is an email I received from the printer yesterday: 
"It may take two more weeks to complete the proofs. Currently there're two factors to affect the lead time, firstly is that our proof department is very busy, there're several complicated projects in schedule; secondly is that we're having 3 days off for one Chinese traditional holiday which makes delay on the progress."
  • 04/20/23 - I received pictures of the limited edition covers today from the printer for the proofs. They have now gone on to binding. Based on those, we did ask to see a few different versions (changing out one color die for another, adding a second foil stamp on one of the covers, etc), but it's exciting to see them.  I haven't seen any pictures of the dust jackets of the regular hardcovers yet.
  • 04/26/23 - I received an email from the printer. They are hoping to ship the proofs on Friday, the 28th.  I'll let you know once I have them in my hands.

  • 04/28/23 - The proofs have shipped!  It's too early to have an expected delivery date for us yet, but as soon as I know, I'll let you guys know.  We should be close to getting on the press now

  • 05/02/23 - Proofs are due to arrive on the 4th! I'm very excited!

  • 05/25/23 - Proofs didn't arrive on the 4th, but they did arrive a few days later.  All in all, they are in "pretty good" shape - but there were some issues.  Unfortunately, they arrived just a few days before we left for a trip to Ireland, UK, and England.  We were able to upload new files while away, but I also want to make some "custom end sheets" based on what we saw from the proofs. I tried working on the end sheets while traveling - but it was nearly impossible to do - so I'm going to take a few days R&R from the hectic traveling and then work on those.

  • 06/07/23 - Since returning from overseas, we've been working on revisions to the covers (again). We are "oh so close," and I'm hoping today will be the day for updated files to the printer.  Part of the problem is we have a very complicated design which also has to be translated to vectors with appropriate "cutouts" where colors overlap. And the computer's math isn't precise, so there is a lot of modifications made. Plus, we've changed the designs to make certain images show better.  Based on the new design, a change in leather color (we are going to use two colors rather than three), and by adding an additional foil color, I don't think the custom end sheets will be needed - but I will provide a freebie ebook that discusses the covers in detail.  Here's hoping to be "on press" soon.

  • 06/08/23 - New cover design files have gone to the printer!

  • 06/17/23 - I received the digital proofs for the interior files.

  • 06/18/23 - The printer has indicated that dies are created, and they are hoping to ship new proofs on or before June 22nd.

  • 06/21/23 - I've finished my review of the interior pages. There are only a few pages that need adjusting, and the changes are minor. Theft of Swords found only a few corrections that need to be made: 2 pages in Theft of Swords | 1 page in Rise of Empire | 3 pages in Heir of Novron. Updated files have been sent to the printer.

  • 06/21/23 - The new proofs are on their way!  The UPS tracking number is: 1Z54Y6860411303726 for anyone interested in watching their progress.

  • 06/25/23 - New interior proofs have been received and approved. The new cover proofs are still in transit - last update has them in Anchorage, Alaska.

  • 06/26/23 - UPS says the proofs are "out for delivery!

  • 06/29/23 - And we are officially done and everything is with the printer. The new proofs looked great, and we are now "in the queue" - it will probably be 6 - 7 weeks before we get on the press, but at least everything is done now and it's just a matter of waiting for stuff to arrive.

  • 07/04/23 - The presses have now officially started to roll!  We'll update you as soon as they are ready to ship to us.

  • 08/02/23 - Here is the most recent printing update. (a) all the book blocks (the text) has been printed and is sewn together. (b) The foil stamping is happening now.  NOTE: We lost 3 weeks with regard to cover production due to a shortage of the faux-leather, that ran out of stock.  We'll keep you posted as we hear more.

  • 08/21/23 - The books are printed! Now we just need the slipcases to "finish up" - they wanted to have the books printed first to make sure there is no problem with the size of the slipcases. Once those are done it's just a matter of boxing, and palletizing, then getting them picked up from the printer.

  • 09/05/23 - Slipcase production is completed. There was a small snag, though. They stamped them with a "silver" foil rather than the "white matt foil" which we ordered.  The printer was willing to reprint them but it would add another 2 - 3 weeks before they could ship.  So, I made the executive decision to keep the silver foil as to not delay the project further. If you have a slipcases and you object to silver rather than white - we can remove it from your order.

  • 09/07/23 - The books are being picked up from the printer by the shipper and are due to set sail on 09/12/23.

  • 09/12/23 - Ship (TOKYO TRIUMPH 1217-030E) is due to set sail on this date and arrive in Baltimore on 10/17/23.  It will take some time for unloading and customs clearance but then the trip from Baltimore to our place should be relatively short.

  • 10/11/23 - The ship did indeed depart on the 12th and I got notification from the shipper that it's getting close to the final port so I sent the last of the payment for delivery.  It passed through the Panama Canal on 10/03. Ports of call left to go through are Savanah, New York, Norfolk and then Baltimore (where the books disembark). So we are getting close!

  • 10/21/23 - The boat has taken longer in several of the ports, so we didn't make the 10/17/23 date. Currently it's expected to land in Norfolk tomorrow 10/22 at around 11:00 PM.  After that it still has to travel to Baltimore (our stop) and then go through customs. We'll keep you updated.

  • 10/24/23 - The boat has landed in Baltiomore as of 7:45 AM - I'm not sure how many containers are being offloaded there or how long it will be in customs - but I'm figuring we'll have them in hand in 5 - 7 business days.

  • 10/28/23 - Got a call from the shipper and the truck should arrive on Monday.  Depending on whether arrive in the AM or PM will determine if we start shipping on Monday or Tuesday.  Tracking numbers will be uploaded in BackerKit as the shipments are processed. So login there if you want to see what your tracking numbers are.

  • 11/01/23 - Well no delivery on Monday, or even on Tuesday. They say today is the charm.  We'll let you know if that happens or not.

  • 11/03/23 - The truck arrived did arrive on 11/01/ Michael has signed approximately 1,700 copies and we have 5 pallets of orders (about 544 packages) being picked up by USPS today.  We're starting with orders that are a limited edition with a slipcase or a regular edition with a slipcase.

  • 11/06/23 - Packages are starting to arrive!  We've heard from people that they are getting their books.  And I want to bring up something about the color of the leather covers. If you look in the 06/07/23 update we mentioned the following: "Based on the new design, a change in leather color (we are going to use two colors rather than three)." Let me take a minute to back up and explain things a bit (you'll hear more about this in the cover design document). Originally we wanted to do blue, green, and red.  And we were using a type of leather that "changed" color when it was debossed.  After reviewing the proofs we decided that the "color "change did not have enough contrast and alot of the detail on the design disappeared. So we decided that instead of using the "debossed" color we would add a black foil stamp to our debossing. This made the books SO MUCH better...but there was a new problem.  The black on the dark green was not enough contrast - so it's design was unrecognizable. We needed to stay in the same "leather family" so the grains matched and every other color we tried (brown, yellow, etc) just looked "cheap and dull" - there were several "shiny" versions - but we had to either go "all shiny" or all "regular" and of course colors like violet or lavendar were out of the question.  And we coudn't use black as that was already one of the foil colors. The two colors where the design looked good were red and blue, and at one point we considered doing them all in one color, but we wanted "some variety." So in the end after MANY different choices we went with red and blue.  I think they turned out great. But I have heard from my son James that some people are complaining about the lack of green - all I can say is it just didn't work - so we made the best chioce we could.

  • 11/14/23 - All the books have been signed and shipped (except for those who have layaway ordera and still have a balance. That's just 36 people and we'll send them as people pay off their balances. If you have any damages, report them to jms.book.logistics@gmail.com and we'll send replacements.